February 19, 2025
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The General Overseer of Calvary Charismatic Center (CCC), Reverend Ransford Obeng has admonished Ghanaians to enter into the new year with an attitude of honesty in all they do.

This, he said, would enable the people to treat themselves well and push the country forward with unbridled honesty.

Speaking to the media at Ayigya Tuesday night after the church’s first service climaxing the year 2024 and to usher in the new year of 2025, Reverend Obeng said one of the issues that stands against prosperity of nations is dishonesty.

“As we enter into the new year all that i am asking Ghanaians is for them to deal honestly with themselves so that nobody is shortchanged in what they deserve or have worked for”, the CCC General Overseer stated.


The CCC leader noted that corruption has become endemic in the Ghanaian society.

This attitude, he stated is displayed by Pastors, politicians and people in public offices as well as in private outfits.

Such behaviours like bribery, extortion, under-invoicing, petty thievery and dishonesty denies the country the kind of progress it deserves, Rev Obeng decried.

“Most times people think only politicians are corrupt but Pastors and some persons in authority especially public and in private places dupe people, steal and extort from them but the earlier we shun these attitudes the faster Ghana can grow to become the kind we yearn to see”, the CCC vision- carrier advised.

Support For New Government

Reverend Obeng urged the public to support the incoming NDC government with prayer, hard work and good attitudes for it to succeed.

He also asked the population to be hard working and diligent in what they do, adding that God only blesses the work people do to enable them do well in life.


The CCC leader cautioned the clergy to stick to the mandate of their call by proclaiming only the good news of Christ Jesus but not to dabble in political prophecies that ruin the hearts of men.

“Our mandate as men of God is clear, we are to consciously and intentionally preach Christ Jesus to our congregation and the population since it is only by accepting Jesus as our Saviour can we live fulfilled lives”, Reverend Obeng stressed.