February 19, 2025
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Published by Enock Akonnor enockakonnor2013@gmail.com

+233 541921562

Banjul City Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe Writes…

It is with great pleasure and honor that I welcome my brother, His Worship José Medina Lobato, the Mayor of the City of Bissau, and his distinguished delegation to the vibrant city of Banjul. This visit marks a significant milestone in our efforts to strengthen the ties between our two cities through twinning cooperation in trade, culture, and sports.

Banjul, our beloved capital, is not only a city of rich cultural heritage but also a hub of dynamic youth engagement and thriving women-led trade activities. Our youths are the pride of our city; they actively participate in sports and excel in various fields of endeavor. Their energy and eagerness embody the spirit of Banjul’s future.

I extend my sincere appreciation to the Deputy Mayor, Councillors, CEO, and his team for organizing such a well-structured program. I also thank all the journalists who attended the event. To the REFELA executive, under the leadership of Madam Isatou Njie, I cannot thank you enough for your contributions.

Refela The Gambia National Chapter