January 18, 2025
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Secret To My Business Success; McDan CEO Dr. Daniel Mckorley Writes…

Published by Enock Akonnor enockakonnor2013@gmail.com


It’s a quiet Sunday morning here, and I felt like sharing a little secret to my business success with you. I truly hope it resonates with you. It is about being humble, staying teachable, and learning from others.

For many of you young people out there, I need you to understand that, at a certain stage in your life, you don’t have to waste time reinventing the wheel. All you have to do is learn from those who have already gone before you. Be open to learning from the people who have the skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience that are far greater than yours. And no, you don’t always have to do things exactly how they did them, but at least get close and learn to see things from their perspective. It’ll help you a lot.

When I started my shipping journey more than 25 years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about it. I didn’t know how to find clients, how to set rates, or how to deliver high-quality work. So, what did I do?

I started learning from the people who had already been through the trenches. I learned from their mistakes. I learned from their successes. And I used their knowledge and experience to avoid making the same mistakes myself.

As a result, I was able to build a successful shipping, freight forwarding, cargo handling, and total logistics solutions company much faster than I would have been able to on my own.

So, don’t be afraid to look to others for guidance. Don’t be afraid to compare yourself to others. Just be sure to use what you learn to make yourself better, not to beat yourself up.

Because the truth is, we all have something to learn from each other. And the more we learn, the better we become.