February 22, 2025
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Protecting Ghana from Cyber Attacks in Mobile Money Transactions- Islamic Scholar, Dr. Abdul-Muhsin Baafi Writes

Mobile money transactions have revolutionized financial inclusion in Ghana, with over 40 million mobile money accounts as of 2021 [1]. However, scammers have exploited this convenience, causing concern among users.

Key Recommendations

– Intensify Cybersecurity Awareness: Educate users on safe mobile money transactions and cyber theft prevention.
– Enhance Internet Security: Implement robust security measures, including firewalls and encryption, to protect systems from cyber-attacks [2].
– Implement Modern Protection Technologies: Network operators like MTN must introduce advanced technologies to safeguard customers.
– Effective Scammer Tracking and Prosecution: Collaborate with security agencies to track and prosecute scammers.

Ghana’s Cybersecurity Framework

Ghana has established the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to regulate cybersecurity activities. The NCSC has launched initiatives like the National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) to promote cybersecurity awareness [3]. Ghana has also acceded to international conventions, such as the Budapest Convention.

Collaborative Efforts

Combating mobile money scams demands collective action among:

– IT Experts: Develop secure systems and educate users.
– Government: Enforce regulations and support cybersecurity initiatives.
– Network Operators: Implement robust security measures.
– Public: Adopt cautious transaction habits.

Cybersecurity Measures

1. Verify Transactions: Confirm recipient details before transferring funds.
2. Secure PINs: Keep mobile money PINs confidential.
3. Monitor Accounts: Regularly check transaction history.
4. Report Suspicious Activity: Inform network operators and security agencies.

By working together, we can protect Ghana’s internal cyber space and ensure secure mobile money transactions.

Dr. Abdul-Muhsin Baafi
CEO, Hybrid Leading-Edge Limited Company


[1] Bank of Ghana. (2019). Cyber and Information Security Directive.
[2] Media Foundation for West Africa. (2017). Cyber Security Report.
[3] Media Foundation for West Africa. (2017). Cyber Security Report.