February 22, 2025
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How Do I Know A Man Is Ready For Marriage In His First Approach?


“And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10

From the bible verse above, it is clear that the husbandman was able to identify the five wise virgins for their readiness. He took note of how serious & ready they were (they had oil in their lamps). And he concluded in his mind that they were his. The spirit of God in you makes the difference everywhere you go. It is a proof, you are of God.

To think that unless he comes to you as a money bag, is the only sign he is ready for marriage; you are wrong. Remember, there are armed robbers, 419s, ritualists, etc that are money bag too. On the contrary, if he is a legitimate money bag, consider yourself lucky.

With regards to our question, some people would trust the decision of friends or family members in order to choose a life partner. As for others, it is solely a matter of personal conviction.

What does it mean to be ready for marriage? At what point do I know if a guy is ready for marriage in his first approach?

Getting ready for marriage is simply about making yourself available, approachable, loveable, presentable & marriageable. It begins with making up your mind & taking a bold step into the unique world of marriage without cohesion. Beyond all of these, it is your job to find out if he or she is truly yours. When others are allowed to carry out this task for you, paraventure it doesn’t work, you blame them for it. This way, you make more enemies than friends.

Making yourself available for marriage call for earnest preparations orchestrated by deliberate actions. You need to be sure that no matter what, the guy in question is ready to walk down the earth with you. A guy who cannot go through the journey of life with you, is not yours. Again, your concern should be; does the guy or person in question fits into God’s purpose for my life? Does he have what it takes to make this relationship work? Can I trust his leadership?

Until you are convinced beyond reasonable doubt, never say “Yes I Do.” Without accountability, commitment & trust on the part of the person proposing you marriage makes you vulnerable to what I call, ‘Mission impossible.’ This is because some guys are next to nothing but ‘play boys,’ (One-chance, bad market, promise & fail).

The big question, “How do I know a man ready for marriage in his first approach?” Let us deal with the question these ways:

1. Be bold to engage him with relevant & sensitive questions. At least from his response, you should be able to say, he is serious. Also, you should know if he is less serious. I want to marry you & let us be seeing each other till further notice,” are two different things. “Till further notice,” is why some ladies are still single at 38, 40 or 45. A serious minded guy will ask you, “Please, take me to your Papa & Mama.” He would tell you, “I can’t wait to put a ring on your finger.”

2. He is ready for marriage after finding the right expression about his need for marriage. Contrary to widespread opinion that marriage is a want which I know is incorrect. It is a need that the creator put in every mankind & for His own purpose as well. Anybody that sees marriage the way God sees it will go extra miles to keep it but those that see it as a want will do less to protect it even when things have started falling apart.

3. Have relationship goals
What are your relationship goals? Without relationship goals, it is pretty difficult to ascertain whether he is ready for marriage or not. Relationship goals are used as parameters for measuring success in relationship. Having relationship goals in mind would help you to set limits & boundaries. Without relationship goals there will be no direction & focus.

4. His desire & passion for you must be elastic & strong. Beyond mere verbal love, his love for you should be expressed & felt in a manner that inspire & motivate you towards accepting his proposal. His burning desires to have you in his life should be without frivolous excuses. This means he is not out for jokes, he is out for business.

On your own part, if you haven’t been showing the need & readiness for marriage, you may find it hard to know whether he is serious or not. You can’t expect a guy to approach you when you are not approachable. Worst still, when you have not been showing any sign of readiness. It doesn’t work that way, it take two to tango. Your readiness even makes it more convenient for him to approach you & then express himself. If Sarah wasn’t ready for marriage, the messenger in Genesis 24 would have found it difficult to approach her.

5. He must be pragmatic. Beyond proposal, the guy in question is expected to take practical steps towards consummating & solidifying the relationship.

A good example is the case of Abraham’s oldest servant (The messenger). For the very first time, he left on a search mission because there was need for Isaac to get married. The senior servant set out with all seriousness & fully loaded, Genesis 24. Take note, don’t just be interested at how good a guy looks or sound. Some guys could sound so good at first approach yet they are empty on the inside. If he cannot match his words with actions, forget it.

6. The moment he finds out that you are a valuable asset (wife material), he would be forced to take you serious. Being a wife material makes it easy for him to push further than you expect. A guy that have taste & eagle eyes would never let go off you most especially if it has to do with marriage. Take Rebecca for instance, she was too valuable & irresistible such that the messenger was compelled to push further & pay homage to her family members with immediate alacrity as well.

7. Your ability to discern is a key factor.
It was Williams Shakespeare that says, “There is no art to find the mind construction in the face.” What that means is, it is impossible to tell what goes on in a person’s mind from the outside or merely looking at his or her face. This is why you need the Holy Spirit to help you. The Holy Spirit can lead or guide you as to know whether he is ready or not.

Depending completely on the Holy Spirit for guidance is the most significant step to knowing a guy that is ready for marriage in his first approach. Submitting yourself to the leading of the Holy Spirit is the safest thing to do. God is not an author of confusion, in time like this He will lead & guide you aright. We are made to understand that the secret things belong unto God but those things that are revealed unto us are for us & our children to do the work of the law. Call it divine revelation, you are right.

However, you can only access divine revelation on condition that you are a child of God. “Those that are led by the spirit of God are called the sons God. Roman 8:9. May be you are yet to identify with Christ, I encourage you to do so today & you will be amazed you did.

Finally, stop figuring it out by way of gambling. Knowing God’s will in the area of marriage through gambling never produce the desire result. Rather, it lead to story that touches the ❤️ heart. Allow God to direct you to the original person He made for you in the beginning, that way you are guaranteed lasting marital success.

To get help in the area of love, relationship, courtship & marriage, inbox me your question using my Facebook profile

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Stay blessed, stay safe.