March 9, 2025
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Atwima Nwabiagya North MCE Appointment: A Letter From The Clergy To NDC NEC

Dear Sir,

I have lived in Atwima Nwabiagya North Municipality since 2011 and have witnessed how the underdog and anathematised NDC party have emerged from its dusty shells to be a coverted germ through the collective effort of its members.

However, there were some notable luminaries who spearheaded the adornment of the NDC Party in Atwima Nwabiagya North constitutency, and one of them was Hon. Gertrude Nartey.

The noble woman in question has proved feminine potentiality of political inspiration both for her party and political opponents.

Her dedication to the NDC party at Atwima Nwabiagya North Constituency or Municipality has earned her the nicked name “NDC MOTHER, in spite of her age.

Arguably, she is the most popular (political matriarch) female politician in the entire municipality. Even her political opponents acknowledge her political presence in the constituency.

Her love for NDC compelled her to finance the party to a point of losing her business.

All because her face appeared on the ballot paper representing the NDC party as the parliamentary candidate in the ANNC.

Her experience is an epitome of political stigma.

The NDC party executives recompensed her diligence with unopposed parliamentary candidature in 2020. Though she did not win the election, NDC votes have been appreciating since her candidature.

Because of her passion for the Municipality, the Hon. has built a private school in the district from Preschool to Junior High and intends to extend it to senior high and eventually Tertiary level.

She is everyone’s favourite and calked mother because of her appearance and proclivity.

At the recent ‘SONA’, H E John Mahamah stated that women who deserve should not be pushed away by men in national governance.

If the NDC party therefore respect their president, then the MCE office of Atwimah Nwabiagya North Municipal Chief Executive should be given to her not only on gender balance advantage but also on merret, because she has held positions from women’s Organizer down to parliamentary candidate and Financier of the Constituency.

Hon. Gertrude Nartey is an epitome of party dedication, political stigma, people’s mother, and political opponent’s secret admirer.

If the NDC wants to inspire membership dedication in their party and to meet the expectations of the ordinary person on the streets of ANNM, then they should give the MCE position to Hon. Gertrude Nartey.

Anybody who hears about Gertrude Nartey’s political appointment will naturally burst out into saying that NDC NEC is discerning and rewarding.

NDC NEC should acknowledge: Hebrews 11:6:
… anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.hat is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him.

By Rev. Emmanuel Boachie

COUNTRY DIRECTOR of Awesome Bible College and Head Pastor of SOULS’ PASTURE Church

1. NAME: Gertrude Nartey,
2. CONSTITUENCY: Atwima Nwabiagya North.
a. Branch Women Organizer.
b. Constituency Executive Member.
c. Deputy Women’s Organizer.
d. Former Parliamentary Candidate (2020).
e. Former Financier of the Constituency (2012 – 2020).
f. CONTACTS: 0591384025 | 0547271658.