March 31, 2025
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The Human Resource Manager for St. Georgina Health Care and Consultancy has prompted Christians in Ghana on the need to fight for the preservation of  natural resources.

Reflecting on the magnitude of damage done to water bodies in the country through illegal mining (galamsey) and how fertile lands have been rendered useless, Mrs. Justina Darko Andoh has asserted that Christians who hold majority of Ghana’s population must take their rightful position as agents of positive transformation so as to put the society in a holistic growth and development oriented direction.

“The church must stand tall in the fight against the destruction of our environment “, she said in her welcome address on the day 1 of the 2024 edition of Transformation Conference which kicked on 25th September, 2024.

“Today, our water bodies have been destroyed and many lands made useless as a result of Galamsey in a country that boast about 72% of the inhabitants being Christians. We have frequently been indifferent, or even hostile, to those committed to the conservation of non-renewable sources”, she indicated in her address.

She lamented over why the modern day Church seems to have almost completely forgotten about her role and responsibility in national transformation.

“Significantly, people are loosing faith in the Church, her leaders and by extension the Christian Faith.

The Church has become engrossed in materialistic carea of the workforce system; thus she seems to have lost her light. Darkness naturally takes center stage whenever light receeds, so is the case of Ghana in contemporary times. Moral conscience for which we were known for has become strange to the succeeding generations.

Below is her full address at the conference;


By Mrs. Justina Darko Andoh (Human Resource Manager of St Georgina Health Care & Consultancy on behalf of Dr. Godfred Andoh – the CEO)

The honorable Regional Minister, the honorable MP for Asokwa, the honorable MCE for Asokwa, Distinguished Archbishops and bishops, Nananom, honourable ministers of the Lord, members of the Press, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the first day of Transformation conference 2024. I am honored and humbled by your presence. Thank you.
God has layed a burden on the heart of His Servant Dr. Godfred Andoh to lead a crusade for Transformation in our beloved country through the Church. Since the inauguration of this programme four years ago, it has had tremendous impact on the lives of many individuals, churches and the country.

According to the Bible, the Church is a transformation agent of the world. Because the Church is the pillar of truth. The Church is a light in the darkness and the salt of the Earth. All of these metaphors describe us as transformation agents. We cannot hide under the bushel; we have to be right on the table where the world can see the light. Our salt must be able to mix into society and impact, purify, sweeten, and prevent it from decay. We are the hope of society and you can imagine when we have lost our light and saltiness. It is a calamity of monumental proportion. Unfortunately, that’s what we seem to be seeing now and there could be more to come if care is not taken. But no matter what is happening in the Church today, the Church must be ready to take her place in society.

The church as a religious and social organisation, driven by moral and social principles as contained in the fundamental teachings and doctrine of Christian faith, is expected to play an important role towards the social change and the improvement on society’s value system. This should lead to the transformation of the social life and put society in a holistic growth- and development-oriented direction.

However, given the present scenario of underdevelopment of Ghana coupled with the depreciation of moral values, insolence, corruption and prevailing religious bigotry, it becomes expedient to review the place of Christianity (which incidentally is the foremost in terms of spread and influence having over 72% of the population) in sustainable national development in Ghana

Unfortunately, the modern day church seems to have almost completely forgotten about her role and responsibility in national transformation. Significantly, people are losing faith in the Church, her leaders and by extension the Christian faith. .

The Church has become engrossed in materialistic cares of the world system; thus she seems to have lost her light. Darkness naturally takes centre stage whenever light recedes, so is the case of Ghana in contemporary times. Moral conscience for which we were known for has become strange to the succeeding generations.

To whom much is given, much is expected. If Christianity gave United Kingdom, United States of America and other western nations of the world a head start in sustainable socio-economic and political development, over other nations of the world, Ghana may also leverage the Christian faith for her development, which has been more of a mirage for succeeding governments. All depends on the moral courage and readiness of the Church to carve a niche for herself in the sands of time.

A lot has been said concerning the place of Ghana in God’s end time programme. It will take only a revived, transformed, purposeful and united church to make the Word of God a reality for Ghana. Christians must begin to showcase Christ for others to see and come to the light of Christ. The glorious light of the gospel must begin to shine all over for the present darkness to be wiped out.
Didn’t the Bible say we are the light of the world? Is light not given to dissipate darkness? If the secular world is the darkness and the believer is the light, then God has provided solution to the problem of darkness. That solution is the church and believers.

According to the biblical view of human life, transformation is the change from a condition of human existence contrary to God’s purpose to one in which people are able to enjoy fullness of life in harmony with God. This transformation can only take place through the obedience of individuals and communities to moral laws and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whose power changes the lives of men and women by releasing them from the guilt, power, and consequences of sin, enabling them to respond with love towards God and toward others. It is the responsibility of the church to spread this reality to the world.

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it. The land is His. All human beings are God’s creatures. As made in His image we are His representatives, given the responsibility of caring wisely for His creation. We have to confess, however, that we have been slow to recognize the full implication of our responsibility. As His stewards, we do not own the land but we manage and enhance it in anticipation of Christ’s return. Too often, however, we have assumed a right to use His natural resources indiscriminately. Today, our water bodies have been destroyed and many lands made useless as a result of Galamsey in a country that boast of over 72% of the inhabitants being Christians. We have frequently been indifferent, or even hostile, to those committed to the conservation of non-renewable sources. The earth is God’s gift to all generations. An African proverb says that parents have borrowed the present from their children. Both our present life and our children’s future depend upon our wise and peaceful treatment of the whole earth. The church must stand tall in the fight against the destruction of our environment.

This year being elections year, the Church, as a non-partisan institution, must take maximum advantage of her dominance and use that platform to intercede for and seek the peace and prosperity of the nation because when there is peace and prosperity in the land, the inhabitants will also enjoy peace and prosperity. The Church must pray against all forms of attacks, fear, anxiety, and demonic rituals that normally precede general elections in this country. We need peace before, during and after the elections and the church has a role to play in this.

It is time for the church to align with God’s purpose and timing for the nation, to build capacity as nation-builders, and to create strategic structures and alliances. Moreover, it is time for the body of Christ to come together, to reconcile our differences, to heal as a body, to become united in purpose, with every joint supplying its unique strengths, as we rise up as one body, to take orders from our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, to build a great nation on the foundations of righteousness and justice, faithfulness and truth; a great nation where peace, prosperity and unity prevail, where no one will be oppressed, where corruption and all forms of immorality will be a thing of the past and love for our country and for one another will be our way of life.

For this reason, this conference has been organised to draw the church’s attention to her God given role as salt and light and enlighten her to be more proactive.

With our carefully selected speakers, I believe you will receive great illumination during these three days.

Once again thank you for coming and please enjoy the programme!